Acton Escot "Raider" Findlay - Character book commission

Acton Escot "Raider" Findlay - Final

Acton Escot "Raider" Findlay - Final

Process -

Process -

Genesis Lightfall Preview

Genesis Lightfall Preview

Acton Escot "Raider" Findlay - Character book commission

I was commissioned to do a scene from a book where the character was tasked to do something he really did not want to do.
Briefing listed that the character had a resemblance to Jake Gyllenhaal.

The book is called: Genesis: Lightfall
Quotation from the scene: After getting all them all lined up, I sat down on a rock and addressed them in a tone that tried to be empathetic to their plight. “Let’s start with the Grey-Elves. Let’s run the gambit of questions so I apologize for putting you through the motions. You two… what are you doing here, why are you slaves, so on and so forth. Please be quick with your explanations as we have a full day's ride ahead of us and we must make up for the lost time. Regardless of what you respond with, we will verify the inscriptions on your slave collars when we get to our destination, so I recommend not lying.”

I used a stock reference image from Male Body & Portraits Photo Reference Pack by Satine Zillah.